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2004-08-30 - 12:09 a.m.

I have a tale of one of my finest moments of life. About 3-4 years ago, after I just moved into the house I currently sit, I was in the kitchen grazing my cabinets for something to eat and I came across some pepper. I remember people saying that pepper, when snorted makes you sneeze. I decided to try this out. I dashed a sizeable amount on my hair and snorted it hard. I sat for a moment and nothing happened. I suddenly sneezed. My head flew down and smacked right into the counter. I fall to the floor unconcious. Hours later I awoke with the most horrid of headaches and a hunger that wouldn't quit. I don't know if there has been any lasting dain bramage but it's a funny story never the less.

Oh, speaking of funny stories, one time a long time ago I decided to try out the theory about pepper and making you sneeze....(keep reading this over and over until you get the joke, then smack yourself in the head really hard).

My mother told this guy she went out with, someone she could see herself falling for, that I was 19 going on 45. I have a little gray hair of which I pluck, my bones and joints pop and crack all the time, I have problems with my knees and my back. I have small bags under my eyes and dark circles to add the touch of color. No reason to walk around with pale bags now is there? It's a good thing!!

I hung out with Erik all night last night and have not gotten a phone call from him yet. So, thats where things stand now. I am not going to pre-destine anything to happen but I don't see a long or bright future here. I could be wrong and I hope so!

So, more later when boredom hits a new level!!


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